MTX-Router-Titan – External Devices: W-Mbus Concentrator

From this section we can configure the Titan router as a W-MBus hub, to collect data from W-MBus devices, pack them and send them to a web platform. Remember that our Titan router must have the RF card (optional) in order to use this feature.

It has a very detailed application note with examples of use, consult it for more information: AN21-RouterTitan-Wireless-MBus-Concentrator.pdf.

  • Enabled: check this box to activate the “W-Mbus Concentrator of the Titan Router” feature
  • Serial Port: select the serial port of the Titan router where the RF card (optional) is connected inside our Titan rotuer. Normally we must select “Serial Port USB”
  • Mode: choose the W-MBus mode we need to use
  • Time Window: indicates a temporary window (in minutes). Only one W-MBus data frame of each device received during said time window will be recorded
  • Filter manufacturer: optional. It allows to introduce a manufacturer to receive only the data of equipment of this manufacturer. For example AMB, ARF…
  • Logger: check this box if we want to save the W-MBus data to the internal logger for later upload to our Web platform via HTTP or FTP


  • Once the configuration is finished, press the “SAVE CONFIG” button to save the changes. Remember to restart our router for the new changes to take effect