3G + Bluetooth solution

Webinar: New MTX-Router-EOS

It has a very compact design with a very resistant housing and accessories to wall mounting. It has dual SIM, 3x Ethernet, VPN client and 3 antennas included (another for optional GPS). The MTX-EOS can be used in many different IOT applications such as kiosk, telemetry, remote sensing, smart grid, security, industrial automation, etc.

MTX M2M manuals and documentation

MTX-M2M product catalog 2015

New MTX-M2M 2015 product catalog. See and choose a solution for your M2M or IoT project:

2G and 3G Java Wireless Modems: compact, cheap and flexible solutions avoiding use external processor boards. GPS reciever, internal battery or RF for short range communications are optional featured.

3G and 4G modems when you need high speed and low latency data transmission. Industrial range.

2G/3G/4G  Routers with Ethernet, Wifi, and serial ports, CAN, USB OTG allows bridges and multiple options. Powerfull equipment based on free Linux BSP on MTX-Gateway models

Software solution embedded on JAVA and Gateway allow fast-time-to market just connect your machine/sensors or end equipment like a counter.

Download here > MTX-M2M product catalog 2015

