Titan – Periodic Autoreset

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In this section we can configure a programmed autoreset of the router.

  • Autoreset not enabled: activate this option if we do not want the router to reset automatically
  • Autoreset every X hours: activate this option if we want the router to reset itself every X hours
  • Number of hours: if we decide we want the router to reset itself every X hours, we need to specify in this box the frequency, in hours, of the reset. For a daily reset, input “24”
  • Auturoreset at specific time: select this option if we want the router to reset itself a specific time of the day
  • Time for autoreset: if we choose the previous option, specify here the time of reset
  • Autoreset if router can’t obtain IP after X minutes: this option is highly recommended for situations where context can be lost. The option allows we to specify how long the router should wait after not being able to obtain an IP address before resetting itself


  • Once the configuration is finished, click “SAVE CONFIG” to save the changes. Remember that the router should be restarted for the changes to take effect.