Tunnel – Automatic activation of relays according to the value of Modbus registers. Automatic sending of state changes to the MQTT/S platform.

¿Buscas alguna otra cosa?

Scenario details:

  • It is necessary to control 8 fans of a farm autonomously. Each fan has an associated Modbus RTU protocol temperature probe, with RS485 connection
  • When the Temperature Sensor X is above 30 degrees, the associated Fan X should be activated to facilitate air circulation and lower the temperature of the room. When Temperature Sensor X detects a temperature of 25 degrees, Fan X must be deactivated again. In this way, each farm enclosure will always be between 25 and 30 degrees
  • In addition to activating the fans, a MQTT platform must be informed in real time each time a fan is activated / deactivated, in order to have constantly updated information on the application dashboard. Loss of communications with the MQTT control platform must not interfere with the control of the fans

Solution: MTX-Tunnel firmware + MTX-IOT-S [4-N]

Configuration example (config.txt file) for the indicated scenario:

Configuration Observations
COMM2_baudrate: 9600
COMM2_bitsperchar: 8
COMM2_autorts: off
COMM2_autocts: off
COMM2_stopbits: 1
COMM2_parity: none
GPRS_apn: movistar.es
GPRS_timeout: 0
MTX_pin: 0000
MTX_model: 199802407
MTX_mode: none
MTX_ping: 30
MTX_numGSMErrors: 180
MTX_portAux: modbusmaster
MQTT_enabled: on
MQTT_server: tcp://broker.mqttdashboard.com:1883
MQTT_attopic1: [IMEI]/AT
MQTT_atrtopic: [IMEI]/ATR
MQTT_persistent: off
MQTT_qos: 1
MQTT_keepalive: 60
MQTT_defaultOTopic: /IOCHANGE
MQTT_defaultIOQos: 1
GPIO_mode0: output
GPIO_config0: modbus;10;3;1;250;300;;
GPIO_mode1: output
GPIO_config1: modbus;11;3;1;250;300;;
GPIO_mode2: output
GPIO_config2: modbus;12;3;1;250;300;;
GPIO_mode3: output
GPIO_config3: modbus;13;3;1;250;300;;
GPIO_mode4: output
GPIO_config4: modbus;14;3;1;250;300;;
GPIO_mode5: output
GPIO_config5: modbus;15;3;1;250;300;;
GPIO_mode6: output
GPIO_config6: modbus;16;3;1;250;300;;
GPIO_mode7: output
GPIO_config7: modbus;17;3;1;250;300;;
Data rate of communication of serial port
Number of bits
CTS Hardware flow control deactivated
RTS Hardware flow control deactivated
1 stop bit
No parity
GPRS APN provided by GSM operator
GPRS Login
GPRS Password
Modem is permanently connected to GPRS
PIN if it has one
Device model
Gateways used
Every 30 minutes PING check
Google IP (f.e.) to ping
Reset if no registry on GSM network in 1800 secs.
Read modbus
MQTT service
MQTT broker, format protocol://url:port
Device ID in broker
MTX topic to recieve AT commands
Topic where MTX sends responses to AT commands
QoS established
MQTT topic to inform of output changes in real time
MQoS to inform of output changes in real time
GPIO0 configured as an output
GPIO0 configured as a modbus output
GPIO1 configured as an output
GPIO1 configured as a modbus output
GPIO2 configured as an output
GPIO2 configured as a modbus output
GPIO3 configured as an output
GPIO3 configured as a modbus output
GPIO4 configured as an output
GPIO4 configured as a modbus output
GPIO5 configured as an output
GPIO5 configured as a modbus output
GPIO6 configured as an output
GPIO6 configured as a modbus output
GPIO7 configured as an output
GPIO7 configured as a modbus output


  • The MTX-IOT-S family modems have up to 8 digital outputs (from GPIO0 to GPIO7) and 1 integrated relay (GPIO8). The 8 digital outputs are open collector type with enough current to switch an external relay. In this example, all GPIOs from 0 to 7 have been configured as OUTPUT, to control the fans

  • If for your application you only need to manage a low power relay (up to 1Amp), the use of GPIO8 is recommended, since it is connected to an internal relay of the MTX-IOT-S

  • By configuring the MQTT_defaultOTopic parameter, the modem will report in that MQTT topic in real time of any change in the output GPIOs. For this reason, every time an output is changed from Telnet, the modem will send a JSON to said MQTT topic informing of the new status
    The sending format of these messages follows the JSON structure, shown in the following example:
    “TS”:” 2020-02-08T08:12:45Z”

    – IMEI: indicates the IMEI of the MTX modem
    – TYPE: indicates the type of frame. GPIO = Digital input / output
    – TS: Timestamp (unix format specified in MTX_TPFormat)
    – ID: indicates the index of the GPIO (0 = GPIO0, 1 = GPIO1 …, 7 = GPIO7)
    – VALUE: indicates the value of the input (0,1)
    – DIR: indicates the type of pin (INPUT / OUTPUT)

  • The configuration of an output as modbus;10;3;1;250;300;; does:
    modbus: configure the output in modbus mode
    10: GPIO2 output is associated with the modbus temperature probe with address 10
    3: the modbus command to read the temperature register is 3
    1: the register to read from the probe, where it has the temperature is register number 1
    250: if the fan falls below 250 (25 degrees) the GPIO0 will deactivate, turning off the fan
    300: if more than 300 (30 degrees) is read the GPIO0 output will activate, turning on the fan