Tunnel – IP-RS232/RS485 Tunnel using ULP consumption modem. Programmed timing activation

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Scenario details:

  • We need to remotely read a water counter once a day at 22.00. An ultra low power modem is needed because they will be powered by external batteries
  • The modem must be in ultra low power mode (10 μA) until 22.00
  • At this time, 22.00, the modem wakes up and automatically connects to 2G/3G/4G. It sends their IP address to the server and stores it in a database in the server. Another process in the server collects the IP and connects to it using the 2G/3G/4G. Then the IP-RS232/485 tunnel is established from server and counter, getting the counter reading
  • After all counter data has been collected, the modem goes back into lower power consumption mode until 22.00 the next day. All processes are repeated

Solution: MTX-Tunnel firmware + MTX-Java-IoT

Config.txt configuration file:

Configuration Observations
COMM_baudrate: 115200
COMM_bitsperchar: 8
COMM_autocts: on
COMM_autorts: on
COMM_stopbits: 1
COMM_parity: none
GPRS_apn: movistar.es
GPRS_timeout: 0
MTX_model: 199801454
MTX_mode: server
MTX_TPProtocol: ntp
MTX_TPServer: ntp.roa.es
MTX_TPServer2: es.pool.ntp.org
MTX_ATEmbedded: on
MTX_ATEmbeddedPass: 1234
TCP_port: 20010
FIREWALL_enabled: off
DNS_enabled: on
DNS_mode: socket
DNS_port: 20010
ULP_enabled: on
ULP_sleepMode: date
ULP_secondsOn: 600
ULP_time1: XX2200
Serial port baud rate
8 bit data
CTS hardware control enabled
RTS hardware control enabled
1 stop bit
No parity
GPRS APN from your network operator
GPRS Login
GPRS Password
Google DNS. Must be used if TCP_IP is set to DNS
Connected while awake
MTX terminal modem model used
TCP server mode
Time synchronization protocol
Time server (MTX must synch time)
Time server backup
Modem allows sending embedded AT from gtw
Password to send data
TCP port used
Any incoming connection form any IP is allowed
DNS service enabled
DNS communication socket type TCP
Server IP receiving modem IP
Server TPC receiving modem IP
Modem ULP service activated
It will wake up by date/time
It will wake up by date/time
MTX will wake up every day (XX) at 22:00


  • The remote IP address modem is sent using this text string format:
    Text string with “DNS_extended: on” can be used to get GPIO digital and analog input values:
    #IMEI#DNS_password#IPPublica#gpio1#gpio2# … #gpio10#adc1#adc2#count1#count2#
  • Functioning is:
    1. Modem awakes
    2. Modem sends its IP to DNS_server:DNS_port
    3. When the server receives the IP, the server detects the modem is awake
    4. The server opens a socket towards the modem IP and TCP_port
    5. The server uses IP-RS232 gateway to read the weather station
    6. Once the reading is finished, we can let the modem turn off on its own, after being awake for ULP_secondsOn or, since embedded AT commands are activated, we can send the following AT command via IP-RS232 gateway so it’s executed by the modem:
    This will adjust the remaining modem time to enter ULP mode (to shut down) to 10 seconds, and the shut down will be immediate.
  • Modem needs to synch the time