Tunnel – TEMPERATURE configuration parameters: “TEMPERATURE _”

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Parameters with the prefix TEMPERATURE_ are related to MTX-Tunnel configurations in scenarios where a MTX-TEMP-RS232 temperature sensor is expected to be controlled. The sensor can be connected to a RS232 serial port of the modem to control the temperature indoors . It can send temperature information to a web server, send an SMS alarm when the temperature is beyond the limits, as well as send a notification to a web server.


Description: Allows to enable the control of the temperature sensor MTX-Temp-RS232.

Possible values:

  • on, off
  • Default value: off

Additional notes:

  • Consult iotsupport@mtxm2m.com for additional help.


Description: When enabled, Logger allows you to set the interval in minutes in which you want to store the temperature value in the internal Logger of MTX-Tunnel, in order to send it later to your Web Server.

Possible values:

  • 0… 1140 (minutes)
  • Default value: 10

Additional notes:

  • The value “0” means that you do NOT want to store temperature information in the internal Logger in order to send them to a Web server. Useful only when it is necessary to send an alarm message either via SMS or to your Web server without recording/sending temperature data, if it is within the limits
  • Parameter valid starting MTX-Tunnel v9.11


Description: Parameters to set a higher temperature limit at which, when exceeded, a HIGH TEMPERATURE alarm should go off.

Possible values:

  • -25… 50
  • Default value: 50

Additional notes:

  • When the temperature read by the sensor is higher than permitted, an alarm will be sent. If MTX-Tunnel Logger is configured (LOGGER_enabled: on) , an alarm notification in JSON format will be sent to your web server. You can find the JSON format at the end of the page
  • Remember to configure the parameter TEMPERATURE_threshold. You can establish a hysteresis in order to avoid alarm notifications being sent continuously when the temperature is close to the alarm limit with small oscillations
  • One alarm notification will be sent when the maximum temperature limit is overpassed and another one when the temperature is within the established limits
  • In case of the sensor not being detected (for example when the sensor disconnects accidentally, intentionally, it is broken…) an alarm will be produced, too
{“IMEI”:353234028104337,”TS”:”08/06/14 13:39:33”,”P”:”ID-12345678”,”TYPE”:”TEMP”, ”TEM”:40.5,”TEMH”,1,”TEML”,0,”TEME”,0}

IMEI: the unique identification number of the modem
TS: TimeStamp of when data sent was generated
P: identification field in LOGGER_password
TYPE: “TEMP” -> indicates that JSON sent contains temperature data
TEM: temperature read
TEMH: 1= High temperature alarm ON; 0= High temperature alarm OFF
TEML: 1= Low temperature alarm ON; 0= Low temperature alarm OFF
TEME: 1= Sensor NOT detected alarm ON; 0= Sensor NOT detected OFF


Description: Parameters to establish a lower temperature limit at which, when exceeded, a LOW TEMPERATURE alarm should go off.

Possible values:

  • -25… 50
  • Default value: 0

Additional notes:

  • When the temperature read by the sensor is lower than permitted, an alarm will be sent. If MTXTunnel Logger is configured (LOGGER_enabled: on) , an alarm notification in JSON format will be sent to your web server. You can find the JSON format is at the end of the page
  • Remember to configure the parameter TEMPERATURE_threshold. You can establish a histeresis in order to avoid alarm notifications being sent continuously when the temperature is  close to the alarm limit with small oscillations
  • One alarm notification will be sent when the minimum temperature limit is overpassed and another one when the temperature is within the established limits
  • In case of the sensor not being detected (for example when the sensor disconnects accidentally, intentionally, it is broken…) an alarm will be produced, too
{“IMEI”:353234028104337,”TS”:”08/06/14 13:39:33”,”P”:”ID-12345678”,”TYPE”:”TEMP”, ”TEM”:40.5,”TEMH”,0,”TEML”,1,”TEME”,0}

IMEI: the unique identification number of the modem
TS: TimeStamp of when data sent was generated
P: identification field in LOGGER_password
TYPE: “TEMP” -> indicates that JSON sent contains temperature data
TEM: temperature read
TEMH: 1= High temperature alarm ON; 0= High temperature alarm OFF
TEML: 1= Low temperature alarm ON; 0= Low temperature alarm OFF
TEME: 1= Sensor NOT detected alarm ON; 0= Sensor NOT detected OFF