Automatic connection to the Cervello platform via SMS

¿Buscas alguna otra cosa?

Scenario details:

  • It is necessary to connect the MTX modem to the Cervello Web Platform. The Web Platform will be used as “Device Manager” and through which the status of the MTX modem can be known in real time (coverage, IP, etc.) as well as being able to perform operations on the MTX modem (readings and configuration changes) in a way comfortable and simple
  • The operation of connection with the Cervello platform must be a very simple process in order not to require any technical knowledge for it. For this reason, the operator must only supply an MTX modem and send an SMS message to the MTX modem with the text “JOIN CERVELLO”

Solution: MTX-Tunnel firmware + MTX-IoT-S [4-N]

No special configuration is necessary, just have the factory configuration on the MTX modem.


  • In order to avoid typographical errors, it is possible to send the SMS message in the following ways: “JOIN CERVELLO”, “JOINCERVELLO”, “join cervello” “joincervello”, “Joincervello”, “Join cervello”, etc. (any combination of uppercase and lowercase letters with or without a space between the two words)
  • The procedure is as explained in the example statement
    a) The user must connect the antennas, the SIM (without PIN) and power the MTX modem
    b) The user must send the modem an SMS message with the text “JOIN CERVELLO”
    c) If everything is correct, the user will receive an SMS message as indicated in the following figure. After a few seconds the modem will auto-reset and connect to Cervello

    d) The user can connect to the Cervello Platform, where he will see the MTX modem linked and can make the necessary configuration changes, as well as know the status of the modem
  • When sending the sms message “JOIN CERVELLO” the MTX modem is configured to use the generic APN “internet”. If it is necessary to configure a specific APN for the SIM used, it is possible to do it by sending the apn to be used, after a “,” (comma). Example, if we need to use the apn “”, the SMS message to send would be:
  • If, in addition to the APN, it is necessary to specify a username and password, it is also possible to specify it in the SMS. For example:
    JOIN CERVELLO,,miUsername,miPassword
  • Another simple option to automatically link an MTX modem with Cervello is simply to configure, within the config.txt configuration file, the parameter:
    CERVELLO_modeAuto: on