Tunnel – Basic LTE/4G/3G-Serial tunnel. MTX-Tunnel is configured as a TCP/IP server and permanently connected to Internet using a SIM provided by the operator with a fixed IP address

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Scenario details:

  • There are 3 RS232 remote devices, configured as 115200, 8, N, 1 and hardware flow control. We need to control and monitor from a central server –PC with internet connection .
  • You can access them at any time. Therefore, the modem connected to the remote devices must be permanently connected to GPRS. So the modem is configured as a server waiting for an input connection request in TCP port number 20010
  • We will use fixed IP address network operator SIM cards

Solution: MTX-Tunnel firmware + MTX-Java-IoT/MTX-Java-T/MTX-Java-T2

Config.txt configuration file:

Configuration Observations
COMM_baudrate: 115200
COMM_bitsperchar: 8
COMM_autocts: on
COMM_autorts: on
COMM_stopbits: 1
COMM_parity: none

GPRS_apn: internetestatico.movistar.es
GPRS_timeout: 0

MTX_PIN: 0000
MTX_model: MTX-IOT-2G
MTX_mode: server
MTX_urc: off

TCP_port: 20010
FIREWALL_enabled: off
Serial port baud rate
8 bit data
CTS hardware control enabled
RTS hardware control enabled
1 stop bit
No parity
GPRS APN from your network operator
GPRS Login
GPRS Password
Value 0 means MTX-Tunnel is always GPRS connected
If SIM card doesn’t have PIN security, use 0000
MTX-Terminal modem model used
TCP server mode
We do not need the URC information messages
TCP port used
Firewall disabled: Any incoming connection is allowed