Titan – Example Scenario 2.7: Periodically send data from a distance sensor to a web server and planning to send SMS alerts according to the distance measured activating a warning light via relay. How to provide Internet access to WiFi enabled tablets

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Details of the example scenario:

  • We want to control the level of a grain silo for animal feed. For this, the router will have the distance sensor Maxbotix connected to its serial port with an RS232 output. The Maxbotix output will be installed at the top of the grain silo to measure the distance
  • When a distance greater than 6m. is detected, the volume is very low and an SMS alert must be sent to three different telephone numbers as well as activating a warning light via a relay
  • Additionally, the grain silo level must be sent every 12 hours to a webserver. The web address will be http://www.metering.es/json/set.asp?data=
  • The router must provide Internet access to tablets via WiFi to carry out maintenance tasks

Solution: MTX-Router-Titan mini

Configuration example ready for use:

We can easily load the example from the router’s web configuration environment from the menu “Other>Backup / Examples”.


  1. After the configuration is loaded in our router, we can access the router’s configuration with the default username and password: “admin” and “admin”, and the IP address“”
  2. Check the configuration in the menus “Wan>Basic Settings”, “WiFi>Basic Settings”, “WiFi>DHCP Server”, “Serial Settings>Serial Port1”, “External Devices>Logger Configuration”,“External Devices>Distance / Temperatura Sensor”, “Other>Relay1”, “Other>Time Servers
  3. If we need a webserver to carry out testing, write to us at iotsupport@mtxm2m.com and request a testing account in the test server site www.metering.es
  4. Remember that in section 4.5.3 of this manual, we have the exact format of the data (JSON object) that is sent to the webserver